Sunday 20 November 2016

Elvis For Everyone – ELVIS PRESLEY***

Your Cheatin’ Heart/Summer Kisses Winter Tears/Finders Keepers Losers Weepers/In My Way/Tomorrow Night/ Memphis Tennessee/For The Millionth & Last Time/Forget Me Never/Sound Advice/Santa Lucia/I Met Her Today/ When It Rains It Really Pours. UK release substituted Wild In The Country for Summer Kisses Winter Tears

By 1965 Elvis Presley's musical releases had become focused on his soundtrack output. RCA conceived an anniversary album to celebrate his tenth year on their label. The resulting album Elvis for Everyone was a compilation of mostly unissued leftovers from various sessions during the previous decade. (US:10 UK:8)

"This is a collection of previously recorded songs that were gathered together and released as an album in 1965. So it is kind of a hodgepodge album, which includes some of his early recordings from the 50s, along with some of his more current material recorded in the 60s. While it was a top ten hit in 1965, it is really not that great an album. Not bad, but not really good either. Only for avid Elvis fans."

"This is probably one of the least remembered albums by Elvis. It is actually recordings from earlier years, and there are not that many great songs. However, the couple that are worth buying it for are Sound Advice and Summer Kisses Winter Tears which is an outstanding song that makes this worthwhile."

"Without a doubt, one of his best albums, almost by accident: RCA wanted something to commemorate his tenth anniversary with the label, and in 1965, they had to sift through non-commercial movie material, unfinished ballads, and a lot of other stuff not destined for the top ten. But that's fine, because these 'leftovers' are all listenable."

"I have to assume that RCA at the time did not expect a release with such historical resonance. It's really is an Elvis showcase - turning those proverbial lemons into lemonade...for everyone."

"I've had this album since 1965 and love how Elvis can go from a country ballad, upbeat Your Cheatin' Heart, to a bluesy up tempo When It Rains It Really Pours."

"Elvis For Everyone was thrown together, but this is a fine record none the less; with some real gems like the rockin' Your Cheatin' Heart."

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