Wednesday 10 August 2016

Another Side Of – BOB DYLAN*****

All I Really Want To Do/Black Crow Blues/Spanish Harlem Incident/Chimes Of Freedom/I Shall Be Free No.10/To Ramona/Motorpsycho Nitemare/My Back Pages/I Don’t Believe You/Ballad In Plain D/It Ain’t Me Babe

Bob Dylan's second brilliant album from 1964, Another Side Of Bob Dylan, was noticeable in displaying a more personal and reflective side of this iconic singer. (US:43 UK:8)

"A Bob Dylan record is straight from the hip; there is no messing around and there is nothing hidden. The songs stand on their own, and Bob Dylan's songwriting was hitting it's stride with this album. From the lovingly poetic To Ramona, to the playfully romantic All I Really Want To Do, Bob Dylan rushes through all of his songs with an almost careless precision, creating some of the most enduring and original music of all time."

"This album is a key addition to those interested in his early folk sound, and it stands along with The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan in terms of charm and overall brilliance. Don't miss out on this; it's like nothing you'll ever hear. Simple but effective melodies, combined with some of the best examples of poetry in music. Another Side Of Bob Dylan is a wonderful addition to any Bob Dylan collection."

"The name of the album says it all. Dylan goes from the prophetic, and at times sombre, The Times They Are A Changin', to a lighter, quirkier, much more personal album. Although Dylan's early protest songs have profound depth and poignant social commentary, this album has a quality that the earlier albums lack -personality."

"The real beauty of the album is in the way you get to hear what you've felt before. Bob Dylan makes it so personal to himself, anyone can relate to his feelings. But also, almost anyone listening will be able to relate to at least one of the songs with something very specific in mind from their own life."

"The best part of any great album is not the individual songs, but the album itself. I especially like how this album progresses. It almost grows up and matures."

"On Another Side Of Bob Dylan he takes a different approach making this album more of a personal statement that a political one. This makes this album far more effective and it has aged significantly better than it's predecessor."

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