Monday 13 March 2017

Revolver – THE BEATLES*****

Taxman/Eleanor Rigby/I’m Only Sleeping/Love You To/Here There & Everywhere/Yellow Submarine/She Said She Said/Good Day Sunshine/And Your Bird Can Sing/For No One/Doctor Robert/I Want To Tell You/Got To Get You Into My Life/Tomorrow Never Knows

Despite increased competition The Beatles continued to maintain their dominance of the popular music scene. Revolver is a magnificent album, jam packed with distinctive and timeless songs. The double A side single Yellow Submarine/Eleanor Rigby was No. 1 in the UK. At the time, both the public and the pundits thought it would be impossible for the group to better this album, but they were to be proved wrong. (US:1 UK:1)

"A mind boggling collage of perfect song craft and sheer sonic joy, Revolver, like its predecessor Rubber Soul, stunned the pop world when released in 1966."

"This album is really one of the best ever released. Every song is listenable and loveable. It features some of the most advanced music The Beatles ever released, with the songs in many different styles."

"This is the most unbelievable example of self-caused, more or less independent musical evolution the world had ever seen."

"In my opinion, this is the greatest album in the history of the universe. All of the various aspects of the group that made them so awesome converge here. We have George and his sitar, we have guitar rock, we have the strings, we have the gorgeous and sorrowful ballads, we have the absurdly catchy Lennon pop, and most of all, we have genius."

"This is one of my favourite albums ever. The 'poppiness' blends perfectly with the experimentalism. The Beatles definitely continued their reign as the best song-writers of the 20th Century with Revolver. Every song shows their tremendous range of musical talent. Not only was the music amazing, but Revolver was a technical masterpiece as well."

“When considering a truly great album, I feel that it is necessary to consider songwriting, musicianship, production, palatability, originality, creativity and how well it holds up over time. This has it all.”

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