Thursday 9 March 2017


Hungry Freaks Daddy/I Ain’t Got No Heart/Who Are The Brain Police/Go Cry On Somebody Else’s Shoulder/ Motherly Love/How Could I Be Such A Fool/Wowie Zowie/You Didn’t Try To Call Me/Any Way The Wind Blows/ I’m Not Satisfied/You’re Probably Wondering Why I’m Here/Trouble Comin’ Every Day/Help I’m A Rock/Return Of The Son Of The Monster Magnet

Freak Out! mixes supposedly 'humorous' pastiches of established musical styles together with some unlistenable 'experimental' tracks. Frank Zappa & The Mothers were adored by the music critics but looked on with bemusement by much of the record buying public. If this album had been the template for psychedelic music then this dynamic musical genre would have been shunted into a dead end siding before it had hardly developed. (US:130)

"Let me just state this album's main weakness. No, it is not the boringness of the 'psychedelic' part, It is the fact that Zappa isn't really a great songwriter. The melodies are for the most part generic, usually following some pattern or other, be it over abused blues riffs or clichéd pop harmonies: no new ground is broken."

"The vast majority of the album feels like a bunch of pop song's chewed and mauled through a blender, then put randomly together. The Return Of The Son Of Monster Magnet is the most 'Brain-oozing-from-your-crushed-skull' inducing experimental song I've ever had the misfortune of hearing."

"Okay, this was a pretty wild debut album in 1966. While everyone was listening to British pop with sentimental themes of teenage love, these Americans released a sarcastic, political, noise filled double album which was all over the place. The album does not hold up well and has aged poorly."

"Freak Out! was released in 1966 and has become one of the first ever truly psychedelic albums. It is one of the most complex, weird, different and original albums out today. Freak Out! introduced what would become known very shortly as acid or psychedelic rock and experimental rock."

" was pretty disappointed by Freak Out! when I first heard it, so I thought this can't be right, this is nothing like everyone described it, and so I gave it a couple more listens and still nothing. So I set it aside for a while and when I finally went back to it I still felt the same way."

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