Sunday 7 February 2016

Romantic Italian Songs– SERGIO FRANCHI***

Core ‘Ngrato/Funiculi Funicula/O Sole Mio/Mattinata/Mamma Mia Che Vo’ Sape/La Vilanella/Marechiare/'A Vucchella/Come Facette Mammeta/Fenesta Che Lucive/Torna A Surriento/O Surdato ‘Namorato

The Italian tenor Sergio Franchi achieved the most unusual feat of reaching the US album top twenty with this LP of romantic numbers sung entirely in a foreign language. (US:17)

“His vocal colour, phrasing and above all attention to the lyrics put him in a class by himself. This was his American recording debut. The sound is still first rate and the performance wonderful.”

“Sergio Franchi's much too short career started with a bang on this album. What I enjoy is Sergio singing beautiful Italian songs with fabulous phrasing, power and passion. Like most singers in his era, he was forced in later years to sing material that wasn't up to his level of talent. But not on this one.”

“I cannot say enough about Franchi’s voice. I usually do not like opera, but I believe it is just because I had not heard a voice like this. There are two fast songs which are most powerful. The slower songs have a depth that I have not witnessed before.”

“A great tenor, whose soaring voice and romantic songs, remind me of my youth. Terrific entertainer, lovely album.”

“In my opinion Sergio sounds better in Italian than he does singing English and for this reason I would rate this as the best example of his recordings that I have heard.”

“When I first played I was blown away, this was a superb voice singing thrilling music. The album opens with a bang with Core 'Ngrato and you may never hear more rousing arrangements of songs like Funiculi-Funicula, La Vilanella and many more, utilizing a full chorus and orchestra. I recognised some of the tunes and grew to love others.”

“If you love traditional Italian songs, sung the way they were meant to be, this is for you.”

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