Wednesday 31 July 2019

The Johnny Cash Show - JOHNNY CASH***

Sunday Morning Come Down/Come Along & Ride This Train-Six Days On The Road-There Ain't No Easy Run- The Sailor On A Concrete Sea (Medley)/These Hands/I'm Gonna Try To Be That Way/Mississippi Delta Land- Detroit City-Uncloudy Day-No Setting Sun-Mississippi Delta Land (Medley)/Here Was A Man

The Johnny Cash Show LP featured performances from his TV series which included a diverse range of guests from across the American musical spectrum. (US:44 UK:5)

"Johnny Cash's prime time television show, aired from 1969 featured both prominent rock and country artists of the day. Groundbreaking television for sure, considering at the time that most rock artists were associated with the peace, drugs, free love and the anti-war movement by a conservative segment of American society, just when the war was really starting to sour."

"At the peak of the hippies vs straights culture clash, Cash boldly invited guests from across the American musical spectrum - longhairs, country traditionalists, Nashville insiders, jazz musician, rock stars, pop tunesmiths and folkies. The guest list was truly astonishing, given the tensions of the times."

"What can I say? Anything Johnny Cash is good, but watching his old Johnny variety show was sheer pleasure."

"The diversity of artists that were invited to be on the show reminds me of what a good and insightful man Johnny Cash truly was. Many of the artists were deservedly boosted by appearances on the show."

"I would strongly recommend this to any Johnny Cash fan. He was ahead of his time, his special guest cross all musical lines showing his desire to unite and he did it perfectly."

"Johnny Cash brought a daring mix of musicians, songwriters and singers to his show in the late 60s. In an attempt to heal some of America's divisions of that time, he succeeded in his 'stew' of varied artists. This Johnny Cash LP is like a visit to a good salad bar."

"In a society divided by the Vietnam War, a generation gap, racism, and numerous other fault lines, Cash parlayed his artistry, broad musical vision, experienced opinions, faith and personal integrity into a TV series that crisscrossed the American landscape. Cash's own musical segments find him at one of his performing peaks."

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