Saturday 15 July 2017

Underground – THE ELECTRIC PRUNES****

The Great Banana Hoax/Children Of Rain/Wind Up Toys/Antique Doll/Its Not Fair/I Happen To Love You/Dr Do Good/I/Hideaway/Big City/Capt Glory/Long Day’s Flight

Underground was the follow up album from the Seattle psychedelic group The Electric Prunes which crosses garage rock with psychedelic flower power influences. (US:172)

“Psychedelia meets punk and what a combination. The album is drenched in guitar and organ effects, surreal lyrics and playing yet with a hard edge at times. There are some great songs on this, a personal favourite being the weird I, and a variety of styles.”

“Second album by the excellent US group The Electric Prunes, one of the most important precursors of the American psychedelic movement, which is full of bold musical statements and unprecedented studio techniques, and which paved the way for many other groups following in their steps in years to come. Distorted guitars, backward loops, early electronic sounds and other pioneering sound effects incorporated into the band's songs was their trademark. They also wrote great tunes and performed them with passion and flair, which still sound charming. Connoisseurs of classic pop will definitely find this great album worth listening to.”

“Whereas the first album was a huge compromise by the band and its managers and producer, with the different parties winning on different songs, this is much more representative of the band's vision. Although there are still plenty of songs from outside sources, at least this album is consistent.”

“The second album of The Electric Prunes is maybe their most respected work and I have to say it is a quite magical totality of psychedelic rock with influences of garage rock. Their debut was even more garagey and a bit more poppy too, so I prefer this one better because they have moved towards a more psychedelic atmosphere.”

“In Underground there are more songs with a mellow, low-key feel than there were on its predecessor. This album enjoyed less commercial success than the group's first album but there are several fine numbers here. The production is fantastic - great fuzzy guitars, strange organs, beautiful vocals harmonies and some surprising string arrangements. If you are a fan of sixties psychedelic rock, you will likely enjoy this album.”

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