Wednesday 20 May 2020

There's A Riot Goin' On - SLY & THE FAMILY STONE**

Luv N' Haight/Just Like A Baby/Poet/Family Affair/Africa Talks To You/There's A Riot Goin' On/Brave & Strong/( You Caught Me) Smilin'/Time/Spaced Cowboy/Runnin' Away/Thank You For Talkin' To Me Africa

There’s A Riot Goin’ On was an immensely successful LP in the States from the soul band Sly & The Family Stone, boosted by the US No.1 Family Affair. With its emphasis on funky rhythms at the expense of harmony and melody it was one of the albums that signalled a wrong turn for popular music.(US:1 UK:31)

“One could sense right from the start how groundbreaking this was when first released. Sly and his crew knew exactly how to match words to music in a way that was both effective and poignant, but not without infusing their music with a certain complexity that challenged conventions. It also took on a darker and more atmospheric feel than their previous work. Thus, although the album takes a couple of listens to fully digest due to its musical complexity, it's more than worth it and reflects the time period perfectly.”

“It’s almost impossible for me to get to the bottom of There’s a Riot Goin’ On, because the allusion and hyperbole runs so thick, and the funk grooves are so deep, that it seems to me to be an aural bottomless pit, a modern-day journey through Dante’s Inferno. When we can see the deepest feelings of an artist, when he puts aside his stage persona and reveals his innermost despair, it creates an art so personal and real it makes almost everything else look contrived.”

“This is Sly Stone's magnum opus, and it's straight out off a cocaine-induced hell of paranoia. Muddy sounds, warped lyrics, eerie guitars, droning organs, sinister bass, and that unforgettable tired voice. This is a raw primordial funk experience.”

“I'll be the first to admit that I know little about soul, and less about funk. I'm sure that the historical context for this album is incredibly important in its sound compared to other funk, but to be completely frank this is one of the blandest albums I've ever heard. It starts and ends quite well, but the middle tracks are absolutely forgettable.”

“This is a really awful album. Maybe it’s just not my taste but there are so many things I dislike about this. First, it sounds like a demo. It truly sounds appalling production wise. Everything is muddy and just unpleasant to listen to. Next, Sly's voice is terrible. For the majority of the album he sounds like he has a speech problem, slurring every word.”

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