Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Singing City - THE SPINNERS***

The Orange & The Green/The Leaving Of Liverpool/In My Liverpool Home/Dirty Old Town/Maggie May/Marco Polo/Liverpool Lullaby/Manchester Rambler/Liverpool Judies/Jug O' Punch/Drunken Sailor/Three Jolly Boys

The Spinners were a Liverpool folk group that had been together for more than a decade before their first major album chart success came with Singing City. They were very well known in Britain through their numerous TV appearances. (UK:20)

“Purists often ignore The Spinners but their easy-going style attracted a lot of people into folk music. This compilation provides a good sample of their music, which includes covers of traditional folk songs.”

“Reviving the old folk songs went down well in the clubs they performed at, gaining quite a following down the years. In 1970 they were given their own television show on BBC which ran for seven years, not too many music acts can boast that achievement.”

“This is an excellent LP and contains a mixture of song and tunes, with plaintive, thoughtful and happy songs (although understanding those which are in local English dialects is challenging). It reminds me of what a wonderful blend of voices they displayed as a group with excellent individual voices.”

“Having watched and listened to The Spinners during the 60s and 70s I was keen to reminisce. I had forgotten the joy of simple songs simply sung, for me the quality of this music is even better than I remember. I would recommend them to anyone looking for some music to lighten the day. The songs are not over sung as can be the case with some folk groups.”

“One tends to forget how good they were. If you like their kind of folk music you will love this. The music is clear and you can hear every word that is sung. I cannot say that about a great number of the present day tunes.”

“I have been a Spinners fan for a good many years. It is British folk music at its best. Their concerts were always packed out and both The Spinners and their fans had a great time, with lots of audience participation. Their tunes came from around the whole country and it was lively music, the type that lasts for ever.”

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