Sunday 6 August 2017

Incense & Peppermints – THE STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK****

The World’s On Fire/Birds In My Tree/Lost To Live/Strawberries Mean Love/Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow/ Paxton’s Back Street Carnival/Hummin’ Happy/Pass Time With The Sac/Incense & Peppermints/Unwind With The Clock

The name of the group says it all, The Strawberry Alarm Clock were seriously into psychedelia. Their debut LP Incense and Peppermints features the US title track No. 1 hit single. (US:11)

"The greatest pure psychedelic album ever released. The melodies are brilliant and they truly convey the 1960s sunshine naïveté better than anyone. They could even match The Beach Boys in harmony. Strawberries Mean Love is ridiculously great, with its dual fuzz guitar melody that sticks with you for days. And of course The World's On Fire is about three to four years ahead of its time, with its long Eastern influenced jam cycle. Not a single wasted minute on here."

"Amazing album. This is a true psychedelic album, if you wanna listen to something really psychedelic listen to this. The best songs are all of them."

"A wonder of a debut. Somehow their style is perfectly dated in the 60s, yet completely fresh and new at the same time. There's a unique presence in their sound that I really like, almost like the musical equivalent of an amusement park. It's light and fluffy but somehow avoids being wimpy. Terrific guitar work from Ed King, and the rest of the band do a fine job. Stand out tracks for me are Strawberries Mean Love and Birds In My Tree."

"The resulting album is arguably the most intense blast of pure American psychedelia ever released. SAC is generally remembered as being a bright, cheery pop band, but this first effort has moments that are considerably darker than their sunshine image. Helped by Randy Seol's twisted imagination, the album has more in common with The Doors than one might imagine. The album is hindered by an over-reliance on instrumentals, but The World's On Fire, the Donovanesque Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow and Strawberries Mean Love are complex, quintessential examples of the genre that the listener is assured of getting blissfully lost in."

"Incense & Peppermints is without a doubt one of the defining songs of the 60s."

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