Saturday 1 June 2024

Victim Of Love – ELTON JOHN**

Johnny B. Goode/Warm Love In A Cold World/Born Bad/Thunder In The Night/Spotlight/Street Boogie/Victim Of Love

Victim Of Love is widely regarded as Elton John’s worst album. Uniquely, his only contribution is as a vocalist, and to compound matters all the songs are similarly sounding disco tracks, none of which he wrote himself. (US:35 UK:41)

“It was the height of the disco era and Elton John made the poor decision to move his sound away from his pop/rock base and conform it to the popular music style of the day. Elton John and disco are two words that should never appear in the same sentence. It was a depressing and cheesy release. He did not take writing credits on any of the seven tracks.”

“I still don't believe this album exists. It must have been a bad disco dream. Elton was certainly the victim of something, but I'm not sure what.”

“Elton John's pathetic attempts at disco are just laughable, nothing but one meaningless disco song after another. These songs weren't written in any meaningful sense, they were manufactured.”

“The disco genre doesn’t suit Elton at all, and this isn’t even good disco music. Every song sounds the same, follows the exact same structure, and musically aren’t that interesting. The fact that every song segues directly into the next makes this worse, because it pretty much all becomes one giant song.”

“Elton John plays no instruments here and he wrote no music. Even his long standing backing band was absent. It can only be assumed that this wretched piece of detritus is one of rock and roll's many label failings. Some executive somewhere dreamed a dream of the greatest disco album ever released, and just happened to have the man to do it.”

“For someone who had made a successful career of being a singer-songwriter, to take part in this travesty cannot even be excused on the grounds that everyone else was doing it. John writes none of this, nor does he play any instrument. He just sings to seven disco tracks, all with the exact same booming beat throughout.”

“I didn’t mind much when he changed his band, or when he wrote songs with lyricists other than Bernie Taupin - but Elton and disco? Well, I have my limits.”

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