Saturday 8 June 2024


Over & Over/The Ledge/Think About Me/Save Me A Place/Sara/What Makes You Think You're The One/ Storms/That's All For Everyone/Not That Funny/Sisters Of The Moon/Angel/That's Enough For Me/Brown Eyes/Never Make Me Cry/I Know I'm Not Wrong/Honey Hi/Beautiful Child/Walk A Thin Line/Tusk/Never Forget

Tusk proved that a double album does not necessarily have to include some filler. The revitalised Fleetwood Mac were on a roll, which would continue well into the next decade. The title track and Sara were the US top ten hits. (US:4 UK:1)

“This album is a real delight, every song is a stunning little jewel of self contained beauty and fragility, beautifully crafted and realised by Fleetwood Mac. Tusk is an album which has captivated my heart. I would never have believed that I would enjoy a mainstream rock album so much as I enjoyed this one.”

“It's the last album where the band's three songwriters shared much common ground. While Buckingham is the guy who gets all the attention - he writes the most songs, produces, plays stinging guitar and arranges everything - the contributions of Nicks and McVie are just as crucial in setting the mood of the album.”

“This album is criminally underrated; it is arguably where the band reached their purest artistic form, with a sophisticated, unique approach to songwriting and production. The experimental direction in which Buckingham led the band proved to be a major success. The entire album is stellar on every possible level, comprising the works of three amazing songwriters and singers, a double album without any filler, and almost every song is pure greatness.”

“A magnificent double album that reveals multitudinous layers of earth quaking sensitivity. It eschews the shining pop monuments of Rumours and instead aims for something deeper, broader, less showy but more resonant. A delicate balance is struck between shimmering soft-rock balladry, courtesy of the two ladies, and jagged experimentation courtesy of Buckingham that is sustained wonderfully throughout.”

“The three songwriters have a lot of ideas, finding themselves clashing and colliding against each other in a glorious, fabulous manner. We have witchy balladry, dreamy hippy croons, country punk, adult contemporary rock numbers and so much more. Tusk is filled to the brim with evocative sounds.”

“Another brilliant example of an artist not accepting the status quo, proving that depth or experimentation in lyricism and musicianship makes for greatness.”

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