Sunday 1 March 2020

Silver Tongued Devil & I - KRIS KRISTOFFERSON****

The Silver Tongued Devil & I/Jody & The Kid/Billy Dee/Good Christian Soldier/(Breakdown) A Long Way From Home/Loving Her Was Easier (Than Anything I'll Ever Do Again)/The Taker/When I Loved Her/The Pilgrim Chapter 33/Epitaph (Black & Blue)

Silver Tongued Devil & I was the follow up album from rising country star Kris Kristofferson. It helped to establish his own reputation as a country artist rather than as a writer of other singers’ songs. (US:21)

“This is one of my very favourite country records ever. Kristofferson's songs have a plain spoken gravity to them and display all the many facets of the songwriter's personality while introducing a vividly rendered cast of characters.”

“Kristofferson never put together an album this good again, but he didn't need to. Between this record and his debut he'd already solidified himself as a legend.” “Kristofferson has a deep, weary voice that is perfectly suited to country music, and he was way, way ahead of the pack in creating a new style of country sound, very much a blend of the lonesome troubadour and the outlaw cowboy.”

“It's a wonder this album comes up so rarely when the conversation turns to outlaw country, because it's not just a perfect early example of the genre but also a little masterpiece in its own right. Ten songs about love, blood and Jesus that cut deeply. Despite the occasional Nashville pop trappings, silky strings and horns, this is for the most part a bare-boned record with a lonesome soul. Kristofferson here is a more charismatic performer; gone is the occasional hesitancy of his vocals, replaced by a real urgency and assuredness.”

“For someone whose name is so well known it is almost criminal that more people do not know that Kristofferson is the greatest poet in the English speaking world. His lyrics speak of freedom and survival of the human spirit like no one else. If you are unfamiliar with his writing this album is a terrific starting point.”

“This blew me away. He is a great poet. His voice is so full of feeling that you believe that he is a down and outer. He is terrific at putting feelings into words. However, it is a little depressing. As with all his music, he paints a picture so clear that you can feel it and see it as if you were there. Every song is worth listening to.”

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