Saturday 3 August 2019

Steppenwolf 7 - STEPPENWOLF****

Ball Crusher/Forty Days & Forty Nights/Fat Jack/Renegade/Foggy Mental Breakdown/Snowblind Friend/Who Needs Ya/Earschplittenloudenboomer/Hippo Stomp

This was the final studio album from heavy rock group Steppenwolf to achieve a top twenty chart placing. Despite favourable reviews it failed to halt their slide in popularity. (US:19)

"A spectacular album, consistent from start to finish. It also has one of the coolest album covers of the era. The music is dark and heavy, with the ability to flow from one song to the next without losing the vibe. The band appeared to pull this one off almost effortlessly, but behind the scenes, tension was tearing them apart."

"By this point in their history, they have pretty much settled into a fairly comfortable, mainstream approach to rock, with a mildly hard edge. Not a particularly innovative album, this is nonetheless considerably more consistent than earlier releases." "There's something extremely appealing about the way these guys were able to blend meaningful lyrics, emotional vocals, and fabulous musical ideas and have album after album of highly listenable material. A band that deserves to be defended and remembered."

"Steppenwolf 7 showed everyone just what a great band they were. The magic captured here is only possible because it features the perfect, strongest and probably best Steppenwolf line-up. From start to finish, this album is wall to wall attitude and conviction. They perform every song like their lives depended on it."

"A great mix of blues rock with some West Coast sounds in there. Very consistent and full of great material. Great lyrics, keyboard playing and guitar riffs."

"Steppenwolf released some good albums but this is one of their strongest front to back. The excellent Snowblind Friend and Ball Crusher are must have songs from the 70s. There are other excellent cuts on this album, Hippo Stomp being one of the bands greatest moments in my opinion. John's lead vocal is compelling and the groovy bass lines sell this song easily. The band never again reached this level of consistency. Just a fine, fine piece of music history."

"This is one of the greatest rock records ever recorded. Nothing sounds dated on it -- no gimmickry to tie it to the past. Just clean blues rock with John Kay and Co.'s amazing vision."

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