Monday 18 March 2019


Shady Grove/Flute Song/3 Or 4 Feet From Home/Too Far/Holy Moly/Joseph's Coat/Flashing Lonesome/Word's Can't Say/Edward (The Mad Shirt Grinder)

Shady Grove was regarded as a somewhat disappointing third album from the San Francisco progressive band Quicksilver Messenger Service. However, the addition of virtuoso pianist Nicky Hopkins seems to have improved matters. (US:25)

“Alas, good things usually come to an end. In less than a year's time, they have gone from a quality, underground West Coast outfit, to just another commercial rock band. This one features electric piano and various other trappings of the genre.”

“Now this one was a little let down. After their first two magnificent records they released Shady Grove which was not as jam band oriented as their first two. This is a psychedelic rock album, but not so very special.”

“This is a mixed album. The best parts are so incredibly mind blowing so as to forgive the muddle of tossed out ballads in the middle. What saves this is Nicky Hopkin's piano playing, which on the closing epic Edward changes from one virtuoso boogie-woogie to another, constantly raising the stakes until you think they can't possibly push it any further, but it just intensifies again and again.”

“After the pounding opener, you've got high quality songs from start to finish, especially Edward which showcases the band's wonderful musical chemistry, not to mention Nicky Hopkins' organ freak-out which totally dominates the track.”

“This album has none of the feel of the first two but it stands on its own as a fine recording. From the opening Hopkins blast on Shady Grove, right up to the grandiloquent Hopkins opus Edward, this has a lot going on musically. Many Quicksilver enthusiasts dismiss this album because Hopkins so thoroughly dominates the proceedings as to make the band almost secondary. That may be true, but the results are still extraordinary.”

“The piano work on this album is absolutely phenomenal. This album is a musician's dream. The intense instrumental lines, especially in Edward and Shady Grove, really make this collection a must have.”

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