Wednesday 22 May 2024

In Through The Out Door – LED ZEPPELIN***

In The Evening/South Bound Saurez/Fool In The Rain/Hot Dog/Carouselambra/All My Love/I'm Gonna Crawl

In Through The Out Door was the final studio album from Led Zeppelin, the world’s leading heavy rock band. It was another uneven release and a disappointing end to such a promising start made a decade earlier. (US:1 UK:1)

“Extra lame, and an impressive failure from a band who managed to release some of the finest albums of the 1970s. However, the turn of the decade made it clear that Led Zeppelin were by now running out of ideas and becoming an anachronism.”

“Let's start with the positives: All My Love and Fool In The Rain are pretty good songs. So while they aren't on par with the best tracks from the bands early albums, they're probably one tier below. The remainder range from alright to awful, with Hot Dog is particularly terrible. The weaker material definitely outweighs the good stuff.”

In Through The Out Door is patchy. But it also captures the sound of one of the biggest bands on the planet rolling the dice and evolving their sound in order to continue to remain relevant as they step into a new decade. Sure, there are a couple of misfires, but at least they’re not lazily churning out the same thing, and they’re doing their best to give themselves a new lease of life.”

“It’s very different from previous studio albums because John Paul Jones wrote most of the tracks. This is less heavy, more melodic and catchier than their other albums.”

“The record is dominated by John Paul Jones and his synths, while Jimmy Page and his guitar are hiding somewhere in the background. In The Evening is the only song that really resembles the old Led Zeppelin. All My Love is generic sweet pop filler, whilst Hot Dog is just plain bad. I'm Gonna Crawl is the only saving grace.”

“Led Zeppelin added the synthesizer to their repertoire with this album. It's certainly different but it still manages to sound like Led Zeppelin. It provides an interesting glimpse into the direction the band might have gone in had they not broken up.”

“Many complain about the excessive use of synthesizers on this one, and I agree it is a bit much. However, it's pulled off rather well, and is a nice change for Zeppelin. Many of the tracks seem experimental, and it leaves one curious as to what would have happened had they fully refined the use of synthesizers.”

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