Sunday 4 February 2024

Streisand Superman - BARBRA STREISAND****

Superman/Don't Believe What You Read/Baby Me Baby/I Found You Love/Answer Me/My Heart Belongs To Me/Cabin Fever/Love Comes From Unexpected Places/New York State Of Mind/Lullaby For Myself

Acclaimed vocalist Barbra Streisand continued to adapt to changing musical tastes allowing her to remain on top of her profession. Streisand Superman contains many original songs. (US:3 UK:32)

“No one does it better than Streisand, songs that would sound trite and tedious in another singer's hands can become magically interesting in hers. On Streisand Superman, several unmemorable songs become showcases of the heart felt emotion that only Streisand can bring to a song.”

“Barbra is my favourite singer almost to the point of obsession. So believe me when I say that this is a bad album. The songs are simplistic and vague in their subject, and Barbra's vocals don't soar like they do on most of her recordings, and when they do it sounds strained.”

Streisand Superman is one of her better albums from the 70s. Filled with ballads, and hard edged songs, it’s great to listen to. Superman may seem like a fluffy song with its simple and somewhat silly lyrics, but her voice makes the song take flight and turns it into a beautiful ballad.”

“The seventies was a time when Streisand was repeatedly trying to keep one foot in her traditional style of MOR belting, while also trying to branch out to other demographics. Streisand Superman is her most artistically successful attempt at straddling both markets, without short-changing her long-time fans.”

“Most of Barbra's 1970s albums were filled with various covers that were either great reinventions or interesting efforts, depending on the song at hand. Superman instead relies more on original songs heard here for the first time.”

“It doesn't matter whether it is show tunes, pop or anything else, her voice is one of a kind. So don't be surprised, when you soon start singing along with her. If you have not heard Superman, it will only enhance your appreciation for her exceptional voice, and the fact that she has mastered her use of it. She sings from the heart with a voice trained to make the very most of every note.”

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