Saturday 11 January 2020

Faro Annie - JOHN RENBOURN***

White House Blues/Buffalo Skinners/Kokomo Blues/Little Sadie/Shake Shake Mama/Willy O'Winsbury/The Cuckoo/Come On In My Kitchen/Country Blues/Faro Annie/Back On The Road Again

Faro Annie from Pentangle guitarist John Renbourn is an album of folk-blues songs evoking Americana. Much of his music was based on traditional material with a Celtic influence, interwoven with other styles.

“This sounds really fresh and is an album of folk-blues songs rather than instrumentals and mostly Americana.”

“The reason why this is so good is the song selection and the arrangements. John Renbourn's acoustic guitar work is excellent but he also plays sitar and electric guitar (with wah-wah peddle) to very good effect. There are also fiddle, harmonica and bass and drums with good additional female vocals.”

“This is standard folk music, well played, but never surprising. It works best on the blues tunes, although Willy O'Winsbury is surprisingly good.”

“Renbourn claimed that this one was conceived as a piece of light folk-blues nostalgia, put together to fulfil his record contract. And it works.”

“Incomparable acoustic guitar (and very nice electric too) on largely traditional offerings, with his understated vocals (and some Pentangle company backup) that enhance the overall quality. Very bluesy; Kokomo Blues and Country Blues are beautiful. Americana blues of a bygone era by a British singer that never sounded so good.”

“Renbourn's playing style, and his gentle but melodious voice, were characterized by a quietness that carries over here. So if you're looking for excitement, go elsewhere. But the simple beauty of Renbourn's work is undeniable and this is one of his better examples.”

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